Reality Hijacked: Deepfakes, GenAI, and the Emergent Threat of Synthetic Media

“Reality Hijacked” isn’t just a title—it’s a wake-up call. The advent and acceleration of GenAI is redefining our relationship with ‘reality’ and challenging our grip on the truth.

Our world is under attack by synthetic media. We’ve entered a new era of ease for digital deceptions: from scams to virtual kidnappings to mind-bending mass disinformation. Experience the unnerving power of AI that blurs the lines between truth and fiction.

Join us for this webinar where Perry Carpenter, Chief Evangelist and Strategy Officer at KnowBe4, cuts through the noise, spotlighting how these digital illusions are easily weaponized.

Get ready for a demo-driven journey—a no-holds-barred look at AI’s dark artistry. See the unseen. Hear the unheard. Question everything.

• Crack the code: Learn how GenAI and deepfakes tick

• Engage with the possible: See how easy it is to use consumer-grade tools to create weapons-grade deceptions

• See the Future: Grasp the real risk to you, society, and trust itself

• Fight back with knowledge: Arm yourself with the latest detection and understand why security awareness training can help build your organization’s defenses

This is your reality check. Can you trust what you see and hear?

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